Foundation of Lhota and the meaning of this village name
Villages called Lhota were founded on the beginning of 13th century in the time of reign of Přemysl Otakar I. Lhotas were founded mostly by small seigneurs in boundary parts of the areas of already existing villages with feudal settlements. The Lhotas were a result of a meridian colonisation by domestic habitants. Their foundation was allied to a laboured land improvement and to last part of process of habitation of less fecund lands or woods, which had to be cut off. People executing these works were exempted from taxes and duties for certain years. The exemption was called „lhóta“ and there is an origin of the name of the villages. The signeurs exploited non-used lands in boundary parts of the areas more reasonably and profited on it. In Lhotas there mostly weren´t any feudal seats and pastorates. Till Husite Wars, only 8 Lhotas had churches.
At present, approximately 360 villages called Lhota (or Lhotka, Lhůta, Lhotice, Lehota) are situated in the former Czechoslovakia.
Foundation of Lhota and Lehota Rally
An origin of the rally of Lhotas and Lehotas was in Uhlířská Lhota in Kolin area, where a meeting of natives of this village took place. Mr. Doležal and Mr. Kalousek came with an idea to organize the first rally of Lhotas and Lehotas. In 1981 representatives of particular Lhotas were invited to Uhlířská Lhota and the tradition, existing already for quarter-century, was founded.
What is Lhota and Lehota Rally
Lhota and Lehota rally is an annual meeting of representatives of particular villages in one village, which organizes the meeting in the first weekend in July. Till 1990 these meetings had an auspice in collective farms and mostly farmers had a posibility to visit various parts of Czechoslovakia. The purpose of these rallys was to meet other people, presentation of cultural and folklore live of regions, an entertainment and a cohesion of Lhotas inhabitants.
Festivities of Lhota and Lehota Rally
On Friday participants of the Lhota and Lehota Rally arrive to the village which holds the rally. They are registered (usually at a municipal office), get an ordinal number for the parade of Lhotas and Lehotas and buy tickets. Then they move to a meadow to build their tents. During afternoon and evening, the discoteque and dance begin the programm, that lasts till the morning hours.On Saturday morning tradicional sport disciplinas take place, e.g. throw with a chunk, tug of war, ride on wheelbarrow over a foot brigde or slalom, cross in bags, football-tennis.
At noon a meeting of representatives of villages, where each Lhota or Lehota has its own delegate, starts. The main aim of this meeting is to make a decision, where the next rallys will take place, with time horizont 5 – 6 years. Then technical and actual organizational matters are soluted.
Before 1 o´clock p.m., the parade takes place. The participants rank accordingly with the ordinal numbers. The colour parade is full of flags, banners, merry people and musicians and start to move to a main dais, where each village is introduced with its brief characteristics.
After the parade, a Saturday Estrade starts, celebrities have their performances on the dais. Results of sport disciplines are announced during afternoon and a standard of Lhotas and Lehotas is given to the next village, which will organize the rally next year.
In the evening the events go on, there are two or more daises, each of them has its own programm. There is a programm for youngs nn the main dais, below the sky, and there is a dance, brass music or a country band in the culture house.
Sunday afternoon farewell programm takes place and participants leave home.